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Building Strong, Stable Healthcare Connections

For Candidates

Take this opportunity to register with TENON – the first step towards a fulfilling life and rewarding healthcare career in the UK.

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For Healthcare Organisations

Reach out to TENON now and access the rich resources available through us to meet the needs of your organisation.

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Our Services

TENON is an international healthcare recruitment company. Although TENON recruits globally, we specialise in the placement of healthcare professionals from Brazil to the UK. TENON is part of the UK government's ETHICAL RECRUITERS LIST -

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About Us

TENON is an international healthcare recruitment company directed by a highly skilled, UK Registered Nurse who has a wealth of experience as a senior leader in the NHS.

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For Candidates

Take this opportunity to register with TENON to enable you to take the first steps towards a fulfilling life and a rewarding healthcare career in the UK.

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For Healthcare Organisations

Partnering with TENON means gaining access to a skill-rich pool of talented healthcare professionals, facilitating effective and efficient staffing solutions. Our careful matching process ensures that the unique needs of each organisation are met. We recognise that in successfully doing so, we serve the needs of the candidate, the organisation and ultimately those of the patients we all serve.

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Why Choose TENON?

TENON is directed by a Lead Nurse with substantial experience in UK healthcare recruitment.

TENON individually selects each candidate according to the specific needs of your organisation, matching the required skills and experience for each post.

TENON is financially risk-free for your organisation as we only invoice after the successful candidate is placed with you.

TENON offers tailor-made convenience – we are a single point of contact for both employer and candidate, obviating the need for an expensive in-house recruitment team. This avoids the inevitable costs of salary/pension/sick leave of substantive recruitment officer posts.

TENON offers financial efficiency – a greater number of placed candidates attracts reduced percentage costs.

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Facilite sua jornada profissional no Reino Unido com a Tenon Healthcare! Oferecemos suporte completo, incluindo orientação, suporte com visto, voos gratuitos, e acomodação temporária. Prepare-se para uma nova etapa na sua carreira na saúde britânica.

Entre em contato conosco agora:
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#TENONHealthcare #InternationalCareer #GlobalOpportunities #TENONHealthcare #CarreiraInternacional #OportunidadesGlobais
Oferecemos suporte abrangente desde o recrutamento até a chegada, incluindo orientação, suporte com visto, voos gratuitos e acomodação temporária.
Prepare-se para uma carreira gratificante na saúde britânica.

Entre em contato conosco hoje mesmo:
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#TENONHealthcare #MoradiaNoReinoUnido #VidaNoExterior #HousingInTheUK #LifeAbroad
🇧🇷Planejando se mudar para o Reino Unido? Saiba o que esperar em termos de moradia! Desde opções de alojamento temporário até encontrar a casa perfeita, a TENON está aqui para ajudar você em cada passo do caminho. Descubra dicas sobre bairros, tipos de acomodações e como facilitar sua transição para a vida no Reino Unido.


🇬🇧Planning to move to the UK? Find out what to expect in terms of housing! From temporary accommodation options to finding your perfect home, TENON is here to assist you every step of the way. Discover tips on neighbourhoods, types of accommodations, and how to ease your transition to life in the UK.

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#TENONHealthcare #MoradiaNoReinoUnido #VidaNoExterior #HousingInTheUK #LifeAbroad